Posts by: Staff

I am really trying to watch what I eat and lose some weight but I still like to have a few drinks. What are some good low calorie drinks that won't ruin my diet?

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I weigh 149lbs and i'm 28 years old. I work out at the gym 3-4 days a week for an hour and a half. Right now i'm eating 450 calories a day and burning 550 calories at the gym. I really need to know how much calories I should be eating to lose weight with [...]

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Harvard Study Suggests Diets Should Consider Quality, Not Just Calories
Here's a diet tip straight from Harvard researchers: a healthy diet plan that promotes certain quality foods and discourages others, versus simply counting calories, could be the difference between diets that work and diets that don't work.


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Say you were going to eat a high calorie candy bar or snack. Would it make any difference if you ate the whole thing at one time, or if you nibbled on it and spread the calories out through the day?

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I'm looking for foods that are lower calorie, but still satisfy my hunger. I could eat salads all day long and still be hungry. I've heard of an index called the satiety index, which measures how satisfying a food is, for a given amount of calories. Boiled potatoes, oatmeal, oranges, and apples scored well. That [...]

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