Currently viewing the tag: "amount"

I know a serving of Splenda has 0 calories, but how many calories does a cup have? When do calories start to add up when using Splenda?

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I searched on Google, but all the calorie calculators I found asked about how much exercise I get. I am 5'3", I weigh 95 pounds, and I am 13 years old. I know how many calories I burn per day, so that is why I want to know how many calories I actually NEED to [...]

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I am 5'7" 150 lbs, BMI=23.8, female, I consider myself a muscular build with a little excess fat I could lose. I am a volleyball player and swimmer, and I want to be eating the right amount of calories everyday to keep my physical activity healthy, yet I want to lose a few lbs.

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I weigh 149lbs and i'm 28 years old. I work out at the gym 3-4 days a week for an hour and a half. Right now i'm eating 450 calories a day and burning 550 calories at the gym. I really need to know how much calories I should be eating to lose weight with [...]

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I'm looking for foods that are lower calorie, but still satisfy my hunger. I could eat salads all day long and still be hungry. I've heard of an index called the satiety index, which measures how satisfying a food is, for a given amount of calories. Boiled potatoes, oatmeal, oranges, and apples scored well. That [...]

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