Currently viewing the tag: "diet"

I am 5'7" 150 lbs, BMI=23.8, female, I consider myself a muscular build with a little excess fat I could lose. I am a volleyball player and swimmer, and I want to be eating the right amount of calories everyday to keep my physical activity healthy, yet I want to lose a few lbs.

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I am really trying to watch what I eat and lose some weight but I still like to have a few drinks. What are some good low calorie drinks that won't ruin my diet?

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Harvard Study Suggests Diets Should Consider Quality, Not Just Calories
Here's a diet tip straight from Harvard researchers: a healthy diet plan that promotes certain quality foods and discourages others, versus simply counting calories, could be the difference between diets that work and diets that don't work.


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I want to lose five to ten pounds. I know the calories i eat should be less than what i burn off, but generally how many calories are in an average low-calorie meal?

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