Currently viewing the tag: "diet"

I'm ordering my brother a birthday cake today, but he is on a diet. I wanted to get him a cake he could enjoy, without completely wrecking his diet. I was just going to get a small 8 inch one with decoration.

What is the lowest calorie birthday cake flavor: carrot, white, chocolate, or yellow?
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If i am on a 1200 calorie diet,, how many calories do i need to burn in order to lose weight ?

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I am an 18 years old,male,5'8,and 325 pounds I've been on a diet for the last 5 weeks and have lost 15 pounds.I take in 1200-1500 calories a day and lift weights 3 days a week unfortunately I've lost muscle.Does anyone have suggestions on what I can do to keep and gain muscle on a [...]

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I want to lose weight but i have been very weak recently since i have been on my diet. Does anyone know where i can get foods that are low calorie but give me plenty of energy?

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Hi, I am on a 1000 calorie per day diet, and I am exercising moderatly, how long should it take me to start seeing results?

Serious answers only.
Thanks everyone.

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