Currently viewing the tag: "weight"

For the past three months I have been on a 400 calorie a day diet. I want to add calories to my diet without gaining. How can I do this?

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This site gets a ton of emails from companies promoting weight loss and calorie counting products. Many of them simply aren't quality products and they don't make these pages.

We wanted to share with you a product that's been recommended since 2005 and the reason is simple, you will get fast results, you will lose [...]

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Can somebody give me a link to an accurate Calorie intake calculator which takes my height and weight and tells me how much calories I should be consuming daily to maintain current weight.

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I realise how unhealthy this is, but this is for an acting oppurtunity I have worked hard for. I have calculated that to lose the amount of weight I need to for the role in seven weeks, I need to eat a strict 500 calorie per day diet. What's the best way of doing this? [...]

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I currently weigh 170 pounds and am 5' 7'' tall. According to my resting metabolic rate, I should be eating 1558 calories per day. If I burn around 1000 calories a day, does this mean that I get to eat 2558 calories and still be able to lose weight?

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